Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Maybe gonna write

my phone died
when i was telling you
how wonderful you are

my friends think you're great,
and it really humbles me
to be your girlfriend.

You have
invigorated me
for the long winter,
made me ache to
feel the cold in my lungs
as I tippy-toe to kiss you.

When you look at me
I can't breathe
because I've never seen anyone
see me that way.

Maybe it's childish,
but I thought romance was dead.
I never wanted to be
swept off my feet
or taken unawares
and somehow,
you did both without pissing me off.

Years have passed since
I've felt warm.
These toasty lips of mine
want to thank yours

I know this sounds
but I never thought
I'd find so much...
of everything I've really been longing for
in a math major.


But I am so glad I did.

You balance me,
you keep me standing on my own two feet,
if only so that I can reach up and kiss you.

Thank you so much for everything you've done for me. You've given me gifts that mean more to me than I am capable of telling you right now. I already can't see the screen because I'm trying not to cry.
And a tear just fell onto my hoodie.
Yes, the red one.
I have rediscovered laughter, and smiles, and cuddles, and kisses, and warm beds. I am learning what it's like to fall for a math major.

So here's a formula for you...

(U + me) / distance
(temp in my bed when you're there) - (average temp of my bed)


The heat it takes to melt this girl's cold heart.

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