Monday, May 14, 2007


You've got nothing to say but create a blog anyway.
Nothing, except that each person should be left to their own choices, their own decisions. If the government tells a young girl she can't have an abortion, then they have just as much power to tell me that I can't follow a certain religion. Controlling personal lives bsaed on your own fundamental beliefs is pathetic.
Having fundamental beliefs is not.
Thus stands the current debate - Whether Amanda is a heinous bitch for thinking that women and men are incredibly different, and that in a marriage, women should be taken care of and appreciated as WOMEN, and men should be taken care of and appreciated as MEN.
Yes, I'm suggesting that women care for the home and men bring home the bacon. So traditional for a modern woman, no?
My point is, men and women in this post-Feminism society have learned to see only the bad in one another. Women have demonized the male gender, blaming our misfortune on them. Men now view women as manipulative bitches, blaming their misfortune on women.
If we can learn to see that men and women are different in biological, psychological, and socially conditioned ways, then we can accept not only who WE are, but who the other gender is. Not every man is an asshole. Not every woman is a bitch.
It takes a balance of power to create a strong relationship. No, I'm not suggesting that men are better than women or vice versa. I'm extremely opposed to that kind of thought. But where women lack in physical strength, men meet that weakness. Where men lack in emotional communication skills, women meet that weakness.
No one person can do everything alone, so why do we still view ourselves within marriage as autonomous?
Simply because a man has a higher-paying job does not mean that he beat women up to get it.
Simply because a woman does not let others hurt her vulnerable side does not mean she's a bitch.
My good friend Nik argues that I'm wrong, because I'm supposedly stating that men and women are not equal. Equality has nothing to do with gender, race, etc. If you are a human, you have the same basic rights that I do. Period. End of story.
He also argues that much of the differences between the genders can be explained by social conditioning. While I know that some differences are based on social conditioning, it's the same argument that Christian Fundamentalists use when claiming that homosexuals are freaks. In conservative eyes, a messed-up environment creates homosexuality, not genetics or biological tendencies in the womb.
Therefore, I hesitate to even honor the social conditioning argument. I will say this - if this conditioning has been going on for such a long time, and it is only in our current culture that we experience a near 50% marriage failure rate, then maybe the "old ways" aren't such a bad idea! If I was socially trained to like dolls and pink fuzzy things (well, it didn't work. I hate pink), then maybe there's good reason I was trained that way.
Same for boys - they are trained to prefer aggression over peace.
Now, let's ignore the link back to cavemen, when aggression was the only way to survive, and men were protecting their families with that violence.
Let's just pretend that link doesn't exist....
But it does. Social conditioning cannot account for all gender differences.
Eh....I think that's enough for now. I'll wait for someone to fire back and tell me how I must hate my own gender and how Feminism brought about so many great things and why would I want to revert back to the "old ways"...
Save your breath, I've heard it all before.
And, as this is a fundamental belief of mine, it's not changing now matter how hard you try to convince me to change.
Make an educated response.