Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Remember when I fell asleep in your arms
right after the quick walk through the sand.
I'm not asking.
I'm telling you.
The time we glided smooth ice chips over the hot skin of our bodies
because the fan just wasn't enough
against that summer.

(and, come to think of it, neither were we)

The time you kissed me for the first time
you gave me your drink on accident
it was mixed for you and not me.
You'll always remember those times
as you try against the tide

when the spirit of love leads us,
It will someday derail and leave us stranded
on this beautiful island you built up for me,
and it's no longer home
and no longer sunny
and no longer lovely.

the colors are all too pale to be felt.

if perchance
you really did notice,
the weight alone would crush you post haste.

Knowing is half the battle, they say.

Surviving is the other.

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