Sunday, November 18, 2007

My Neck Hurts, so I'm writing...

Before I was ra-ra-ra-ripped from my own head
I was ripped from my own goddamn mind
I followed what he had to say
that women are less
less money, less brains, less.
women are less.
and i said, yes. i am less.
and now i am one less to him
i am one less
bitch he will have to listen to
i am one less
girl with a big head and a bigger mouth
i know my flaws and point them out
like road signs leading the way home

my mind is a woman when my body was not
and it always will be.
my mind points out the signs of
and abuse
and bullshit you fed me but now
i am one less
dumb-ass cunt you will waste your time
and money on
i am one less
mouth to feed
one less
burden in your pocketbook you selfish fucking prick

my body may be marked
by the shit that's run me over,
the shit that has lived in my body and
taken up residence in the folds of my mind
and the lobes of my heart
and my body may be marked
but it is well-marked
and well-earned.
my body is mine, again, finally.

and i will play it like the guitar my parents bought me for christmas

i will use it as the tool that it is
to entice and incite
and never will i be ashamed of the marks
the marks are road signs
pointing my way home.

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